Business Classification Scheme and Disposal Policy
Version 24
September 2020
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Amended by
July 2003
Fran Huckle
David Haynes
Kelvin Smith
October 2003
Dave Cliffe
Hilary Evans
Following comments by Justine Rainbow, The National Archive
3.0 (working version)
April 2004
Kate McNichol
Examples of documents under classes altered to be more relevant to
HSE business
December 2004
Dave Cliffe
Sue Cornmell
Retention schedules updated based on HSE's business need (DC)
Some textual amendments following pilot exercise (SC)
November 2005
Kathy Morgan
Mark Flynn
Review of headings and scope notes by Central Records Unit/EDRM
Project Team
February 2006
Kathy Morgan
Amendment to layout of headings (hyphens replaced by colons)
July 2006
Kathy Morgan
Amendment to para 4.1.4 heading and new paragraph inserted under
4.1.4 heading
March 2008
Kathy Morgan
(and associated changes to contents and index pages)
September 2008
Kathy Morgan
(and associated changes to contents and index pages)
September 2009
Kathy Morgan
and index pages)
May 2010
Kathy Morgan
and index pages)
May 2010
Kathy Morgan
October 2010
Kathy Morgan
associated changes to index pages)
June 2012
Kathy Morgan
Review and update of document
August 2013
Kathy Morgan
and index pages)
February 2014
Kathy Morgan
1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3.2
June 2014
Kathy Morgan
New Summary of Classification Headings
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Amended by
May 2015
Kathy Morgan
Review and update of document
November 2015
Kathy Morgan
contents and index pages)
Paragraph reworded to reflect change of heading
January 2018
Sean Egan
IIC Approved change in policy to align disposal schedules of paper
records with those defined for digital records.
March 2018
Kathy Morgan
Buxton Proposals
May 2018
Sean Egan
Finalised version for approval by EMB. Includes revised disposal
policies for HR specific data (exercise to rationalise the policy for all
departments within the SSCL services), CRD specific exceptions, and
excludes the Science and Research category that will be considered as
part of a separate information governance exercise.
July 2019
Kathy Morgan
Review and update of "exemptions" table
December 2019
Kathy Morgan
(Comah Safety Reports) and Land Use Planning
September 2020
Kathy Morgan
Exemptions table renamed "exceptions". Review and update of
document, including "exceptions" table and additional heading 4.4.3.
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Summary of Classification Headings
1. As a government department, there is an expectation on HSE (from both Parliament and the UK population) to
treat its information with due care. This includes protecting information (whether personal data or sensitive
material) and safeguarding material that enable HSE to demonstrate accountability and responsibility. This
accountability to the citizen is what gives government departments their unique status within society, and it is
the information we capture that is the main conduit for ensuring our responsibilities are effectively discharged.
2. The Public Records Act 1958 and 1967 (PRA), the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA), the Freedom of Information
 for
all civil service information activity. Together they place limitations and boundaries on what can be collected and
held; what should be retained and released; what should be made available on request; and how material can be
used and reused. Government departments and specifically their Accounting Officers are responsible before the
is currently the main route to guidance on how compliance can be achieved.
3. To meet our statutory responsibilities HSE is required to manage its information in a systematic way. This means
the information we capture is stored, organised and structured in a consistent way, is secure, accessible to those
who need it, and is destroyed when there is no longer a legal or operational reason for retaining it.
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4. 
management regime. Its purpose is to support compliance with legal obligations, and provides a roadmap for
information categories, and the set period for which the information should be retained.
5. The BCS is an integral feature of our corporate information management systems. TRIM, COIN, and our paper
records repository, all use the BCS as the basis for classifying, storing, accessing, and (eventually) disposing of
information. However, this policy applies to all information captured or created by HSE, regardless of format,
purpose, or storage mechanism.
6. The BCS provides a common and consistent framework for handling information across HSE. It is intended to
support all areas of 
functional analysis of HSE which is an approach that has been adopted throughout the Civil Service and endorsed
by The National Archives.
7. The BCS is organised into a t
Function 
fulfil its goals.
Activity performed by the HSE to accomplish each of its functions. Several
activities may be associated with each function.
Process 
8. Some Examples are listed below:
Business Support and
Human Resource
Regulatory Function
Safety Reports / Cases:
Policy and Legislation
EU Work
9. Each entry in the BCS includes a column containing the recommended disposal period for the category of
information to be destroyed.
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10. If in exceptional circumstances information is required for longer than its disposal period, a Records Instrument
(RI) will be required. An RI provides legal provision for the retention of information beyond its normal disposal
point and requires a business case that sets out the justification for doing so. It is the Secretary of State who has
the final approval on all such cases
11. The main drivers for disposal, and therefore the authority for the disposal periods defined in this document are:
Statutory where HSE has a legal duty defined by law to retain information for the period defined
Litigation Where information is retained for the purposes of defending HSE in the event of litigation being
brought against it
Approved disposal prescribed by other bodies, e.g. The National Archives, the
Cabinet Office, etc.
Operational need 
operational activities
Disposal Schedule
Individual employee medical reports relating to accidents and ill health, health
surveillance records relating to hazardous substances (including asbestos,
compressed air, lead and ionising radiation)
40 years
Papers relating to certain Industry Advisory Committees are sent to the
National Archives for permanent preservation e.g. ACDS, ACTS,
To be selected for
preservation at TNA
in line with the HSE
Appraisal Report
Plant Protection Legislation, Policy and Committees: development of policy and
advice to ministers on pesticides and plant protection and UK representation at
EU forums. These areas of policy are significant for historical purposes:
demonstrating the tightening or weakening of regulatory processes; discussing
the work of the Committees licensing pesticides; monitoring residues;
commenting on the overall effectiveness and direction of pesticides regulation;
significant new directions in the regime such as biodiversity initiatives.
To be selected for
preservation at TNA
in line with the CRD
Appraisal Report
Biological COSHH Notification (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)
40 years
GSMR Safety Case (Gas Safety Management Regulations)
40 years
OSD Safety Case (Offshore)
40 years
Biological GM Notification (Genetic Modification)
40 years
Hazardous Substances Consent (including Land Use Planning)
40 years
Mining Issues
40 years
OSD Safety Zone Applications and Wells Permissioning
40 years
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Disposal Schedule
Pesticides (Plant Protection) and Biocides Products and Active Substances:
Operational files and data. All information can be destroyed 10 years after the
Business Review 10
years after active
substance expires /
OSD Wells System Inspection (Offshore)
40 years
Inspector notebooks/diaries which DO NOT contain information relating to
ongoing investigations but contain details of inspection visits
I year after creation or
when full
NOTE: HSE has no legal requirement to keep employee health records from
companies no longer trading. However, we have a small number of legacy
8 years
Health surveillance records if HSE is the duty holder
40 years
Key records relating to major incidents are sent to the National Archives for
permanent preservation e.g. Buncefield Fire, Piper Alpha and ICL Plastics
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Business Classification Scheme (BCS)
Function Code, Heading and Scope Note
Disposal Schedule
1. Business Support and Management
The internal management of HSE as an organisation and of its Directorate and Divisions.
Business Strategy
Formulating HSE policy and strategy to enable it to operate and deliver the services it is bound to deliver at
both corporate and departmental levels.
Review of operational strategies, developing objectives and plans, compliance and operational audits.
Corporate Mission
Development, review and updating of the missions and goals for the HSC/E and its
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
Strategic Planning
Development of operational strategies to enable HSC and HSE to achieve its
missions and goals, e.g. Communications, Priority Programmes, review of
operational strategies, five years forward
Use 1.1.4. “Corporate Policies” for review of policies
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Business Planning
Development of annual business plan/developing objectives
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Corporate Policies
Developing, reviewing and updating of policies and plans that affect the whole of
HSC/HSE to ensure consistency, e.g. Corporate Identity, Equal opportunities &
diversity, Sustainable development, Communities
Use 1.6.2. “Conditions of employment for policies relating to staff terms of
employment, pensions etc.
Use 1.9.2. “Administration for procedures for staff undertaking administrative duties
Use 1.9.3 “Operations” for procedure for staff undertaking operational duties and
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Organisational Planning
Formulating and monitoring plans to deliver strategy at all levels within the organisation.
Use 1.1.4. “Corporate Policies” for work relating to corporate policies
Planning use of financial resources, e.g. preparation and submission of HSE input to
the Spending Review process
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Planning Staffing Needs
Planning of human resources, e.g. reviewing staffing needs and planning for
Use 1.6.9. “Staff Performance” for Line Management of HSE staff
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Developing Plans
Development, review and updating of annual and periodic plans for divisions and
directorates as well as corporately for HSE
Use 1.13.2. “In‐year activities” for estate planning
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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Business Classification Scheme (BCS)
Function Code, Heading and Scope Note
Disposal Schedule
Monitoring, Auditing, Reviewing
Reviewing the performance of the business including quality management, auditing and business efficiency.
Internal Audit and Assurance
Internal auditing and assurance of procedures and processes, e.g. compliance
audits, financial audits, operational audits
Destroy 9 years
(3yrs active, 6yrs
Business Evaluation and Monitoring
Measurement of performance against targets and standards, e.g. Continuous
improvement processes, quality assurance, Stakeholder perceptions, corporate
health & safety performance reviews
Use 1.6.11. “Staff relations” for staff attitude surveys
Use 1.1.2. “Strategic planning” for review of operational strategies
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Risk Management
Identifying and minimising risks
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Corporate Knowledge Management
Including all aspects of records management, library and information provision to staff language services and
initiatives to identify and disseminate corporate knowledge
Records Management
Development, review and updating of HSE Records Plan (Business Classification
Scheme & Retention Schedule), Management of registered files and Electronic
document and records management (EDRM)
Use 1.9.2. “Administration” for generic guidance for records management
Use 1.1.4 “Corporate Policies” for records management policies
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Language Services
Work of HSE languages services, e.g. translations, interpreting service, telephone
interpreting service
Use 1.11.5. “Contract Management” for management of contracts with external
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Information Centres
Work of the HSE Information Centres, e.g. document supply, search services,
integrated Library management service
Destroy 8years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
Internal Helplines
Provision of helplines to staff e.g. Steria service desk and personnel helpline
Destroy 5 years
(3yrs active, 2yrs
Operation of the Intranet service within HSE, e.g. preparation, reviewing, updating
and uploading web pages for information.
Use 5.1.4. “HSE Website” for production of information intended primarily for public
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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Business Classification Scheme (BCS)
Function Code, Heading and Scope Note
Disposal Schedule
1.6. Human Resource Management
employment, training and development, pay administration and staff welfare. Includes some activities
associated with external staff involved in HSE activities
Use 1.2.2 “Planning Staffing Needs” for reviews of staffing numbers, etc.
1.6.1. Employee Personal Records
Covers employee contracts, health, pension, special leave (including injury, adoption,
parental, maternity), disciplinary records where dismissal took place, changes in legal
allowances, bonuses, and HR documents from a previous OGD employer.
Until aged 85 years
*Exceptions apply
1.6.2. Conditions of Employment
Conditions of employment for all HSC/HSE employees, e.g. Civil Service Code, Official
Secrets Act, Termination of employment Retirement / Redundancy / Pension
contributions, Data Protection Act (subject access requests by staff)
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.6.3. Staff Health and Safety
Management of health and safety as it relates to HSE staff, e.g. H&S Training,
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.6.4. Recruitment
Destroy 3 years
(3yrs active, no
1.6.5. Termination of Employment
Early retirement and severance, death in service, redundancy
Use 1.6.2. “Conditions of employment for general policies relating to staff terms and
Until aged 85 years
1.6.6. Pay and Pensions
Corporate administration of pay to employees, e.g. Setting pay structure,
Administration of payroll, Annual review of pay / pay negotiations, Production of
Pay Matters
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.6.7. Working Time
Administration of time worked by employees, e.g. Ensure compliance with WTR,
Agreements to work over 48 hours per week Records of time worked
Note: Individual time records are held locally
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.6.8. Training and Development
Developing, delivering and monitoring internal training and induction for new staff,
developing training programmes
Destroy 9 years
(3yrs active, 6yrs
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Business C lassification Scheme (BCS)
Function Code, Heading a nd Scope Note
Disposal Schedule
1.6.9. Staff Performance
Attendance Management
Records relating to attendance management, sick leave, occupational health and
workplace adjustments.
Other Employee record types
Records of annual leave, flexible working hours, character references, security,
grievances and appeals, performance and talent management, training and
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
1.6.10. Disciplinary Cases
Disciplinary cases that did NOT result in dismissal
For disciplinary cases that DID result in dismissal, see 1.6.1
Destroy 3 years
(3yrs active, no
1.6.11. Staff Relations
Consultation with employees, staff surveys, trade union negotiations, Whitley
Council Committees, handling qualifying disclosures
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.6.12. Staff Relocation
Relocation of new and existing HSE staff
Use 1.7.2. “Monitoring and controlling resources” for financial records relating to
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.7. Financial Management
Control and management of the HSE's financial resources, including bidding,
budgeting, accounting and charging for HSE activities, centrally and departmentally.
Use 1.11. “Procurement” for records relating to the payments for goods and services
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.7.1. Resources: Allocation
managing and planning departmental budgets
Use 1.2.1. “Resource Planning” for planning use of financial resources
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.7.2. Resources: Monitoring and Control
Use 1.7.3 “Accounting for the use of resources” for management of invoices
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.7.3. Resources: Accounting
Managing and reporting income and expenditure, e.g. Handling expense claims,
Setting fees and charges, Invoicing / revenue recovery, Statutory reporting (HSE
Annual Accounts, VAT reporting)
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.7.4. Asset Management
administration of pension
schemes, land and buildings, vehicles and office equipment
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.8. Legal Services
Providing legal services to support the business, but excluding the formulation of
health and safety legislation
Use 2.2. “National Legislation” for formulation of health and safety legislation
Use 4.9. “Enforcement” for the prosecution of duty‐holders
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Business Classification Scheme (BCS)
Function Code, Heading and Scope Note
Disposal Schedule
Legal Advice
Provision of legal advice to HSE
Use 1.8.2. “Civil Claims” for individual legal case files
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
Civil Claims
Individual legal civil claims case files
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
Internal Guidance and Procedures
Drafting, distributing, reviewing and updating verbal and written guidance on
internal procedures and working practices.
Staff Guidance
Staff Handbook
Use 1.6.2. “Conditions of employment for guidance to staff on conditions of
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
General Admin Procedures (GAPs), Premises Guidance Notes (PGNs), HAS Notes,
Purchasing Manual
Destroy 5 years
(3yrs active, 2yrs
Development, distribution and review of guidance to staff on the carrying out of
operational duties and responsibilities.
Inspection, Investigation, Complaints, Enforcement, Notice and Prosecution
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
IT and Communications Infrastructure
Developing the use of IT and communications equipment and enabling access to electronic information.
1.10.1. IT Security
IT security incident reporting scheme
Use 1.1.4. “Corporate Policies” for policies relating to IT Security
Use 1.9.2. “Administration” for security procedures for staff to follow
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.10.2. IT Projects
the benefit of the organisation.
Use 1.5.5. for “Intranet” for projects involving work on HSE’s Intranet
Use 1.11.5. “Contract management” for projects contracted out to other than Sopra
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
1.10.3. IT Support
Planned programmes for changes or modifications to existing systems and their
Use 1.10.2. “IT Projects” for new projects or development of replacement systems
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
1.11. Procurement
Procuring goods and services from external sources, including contract and project management.
1.11.1. Terms and Conditions: Development
Drawing up and revision of terms and conditions of purchase to protect the HSE in
law, e.g. purchase of services/goods, disposals and commissioning of research
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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Business Classification Scheme (BCS)
Function Code, Heading and Scope Note
Disposal Schedule
1.11.2. Supplier Information
Information about suppliers and their products or services, e.g. appraisals, records
of disputes, etc.
Use 1.11.5. “Contract management” for management of individual supplier
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.11.3. Purchase Orders
Procurement of goods and services by means of a purchase order.
Use 1.7.3. “Accounting for use of resources” for invoice payments
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.11.4. Contracts
Procurement of services or a piece of work or research by means of a contract
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.11.5. Contract Management
Management and monitoring of contracts, including outsourcing
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.11.6. Disposals
The sale or disposal of HSE assets (other than real estate)
Use 1.13.1. “Major property events” for disposal of HSE buildings
Use 1.12.1. “Furnishings and equipment” for HSE disposal of furnishings and
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.12. Accommodation Services
Managing in house administrative activities and services, consumables, equipment, messengers,
reprographics and other office services.
1.12.1. Furnishings and Equipment
Allocation of furniture and equipment, inventories, maintenance of records,
disposal of furniture/equipment
Destroy 5 years
(3yrs active, 2yrs
1.13. Estate Management
Managing land and acquiring, 
premises, including environmental considerations. Includes buildings and land owned, rented or leased by
the organisation.
1.13.1. Major Property Events
Lease breaks/expires, acquisitions, disposals/dilapidations, rent reviews, major
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.13.2. In‐Year Activities
Maintenance, estate planning, emergency works, minor works, specialist
inspections and surveys, asbestos
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.13.3. Environmental Aspects
Maintenance of existing Environmental Management Systems (EMS), development
of new EMS for buildings or functions
Use 1.13.2. “Managing in‐year activities for maintenance of existing HSE buildings
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.14. Health and Safety Commission (HSC) Support
All aspects of Commission and Executive business including administrative support to the Chairman and the
Advisory Committees
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1.14.1. HSC
Commission Activities, e.g. Appointment of HSC members, meetings, agenda,
papers, minutes, reports, correspondence (these papers are transferred to the
National Archives at 20 years old)
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
*Exceptions apply
1.14.2. Industry Advisory Committees
agendas, papers, minutes, correspondence, constitution and appointment of
members, reports/reviews, topic advisory committees e.g. ACDS, ACTS
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
*Exceptions apply
1.15. Executive and Board Support (DO NOT USE ‐ SEE 1;19)
1.16. Health and Safety Laboratory
Administration of HSL including working agreements with the HSC/E and activities
of the HSL Board.
MOU, framework agreement, annual plans
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
1.17. Internal Communications
briefings, communications partners
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.18. Internal Meetings
Management/Team/Section meetings
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.19. HSE Board April 2008 onwards
All aspects of administration of HSE Board business including Board meetings
(agendas, papers, minutes)
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
1.20. HSE Senior Management Team (SMT)
All aspects of administration of HSE SMT business including SMT meetings
(agendas, papers, minutes)
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
1.21. Information Assurance and Security
There are seven Security Policies within the HMG Security Policy Framework (SPF)
outlining the mandatory security requirements and management arrangements to
which all Departments and Agencies (defined as including all bodies directly
responsible to them) must adhere.
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.21.1. Governance Risk Management and Compliance SP1
Information assurance forum, reports and risk registers, audit and independent
review, security and assurance planning, training and awareness
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.21.2. Protective Marking and Asset Control SP2
Protective marking and asset control policy, breaches and losses, notifiable post
controls, release of information controls
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.21.3. Personnel Security SP3
Personnel security policy, vetting, criminal records checks/PNC, personnel security
investigations, statistics and finance relating to personnel security
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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1.21.4. Information Security and Assurance SP4
Information assurance and security policy, technical risk assessments, system
accreditation, encryption and cryptography
Risk Management and accreditation document set (RMADS)
Remote working / mobile computing
Removeable media, HSE network security and community security policies Incident
reporting and investigation
Annual health checks and penetration testing
Security and information and communication technology (ICT) contracts
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.21.5. Physical Security SP5
Physical security policy at HSE premises, security containers and cabinets, physical
assessments and baseline controls at
premises, physical security incidents and investigations
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.21.6. Counter Terrorism SP6
Counter terrorism security policy and plans, Government response and threat levels,
counter terrorism incidents, reports and reviews
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
1.21.7. Business Continuity SP7
Business continuity policy, business continuity assurance
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2. Policy & Legislation Development
Developing policy directly related to Health and Safety, contributing to policies for which HSE is not directly
responsible. Drafting and developing legislation or codes of practice to advance policies, drafting legislative
Use 7.1. “Horizon Scanning” for gathering intelligence to inform policy
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media for legislative guidance
Use 1.1.2. “Strategic planning” for planning implementation of policies
2.1. National Policy
Collection of evidence, communications with stakeholders, consideration of
alternatives to legislation, preparation of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA),
responding to other government departments' (OGDs) consultations.
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2.2. National Legislation
Formulating and drafting new health and safety policy and legislation at national
level on behalf of the UK government or the devolved legislatures. Reviewing
existing legislation.
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for legislative guidance
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2.3. EU Work
Contributing to and commenting on the formulation, drafting and revision of health and safety policy and
legislation at European Union level e.g. Consultations with EU stakeholders, working groups, regulatory
impact assessments (RIAs).
2.3.1. Policy
HSE's involvement in the development and review of EU health and safety
strategies and policies in general
Use 4.4.2. “Permissioning Documents/Licensing/Statutory Notes” for active
substance and product specific files
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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2.3.2. Legislation
Formulation, drafting and review of EU legislation, consultation with stakeholders,
Use 4.4.2. “Permissioning Documents/Licensing/Statutory Notes” for active
substance and product specific files
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2.4. International Work
Work with international organisations to develop policy and formulate legislation at international level.
2.4.1. Policy
Contributing to international treaties, conventions and surveys and international
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2.4.2. Legislation
Formulation, drafting and revision of international legislation, expert working
groups participation
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2.4.3. Treaties and Co‐operation
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
2.5. Policy Review and Evaluation
Evaluation and review of national/international policies and legislation
Use 1.1.4. “Corporate Policies” for review of HSE policies
Use 1.1.2. “Strategic planning” for review of operational strategies
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3. Standards: Development Formulation, drafting and revision of health and safety standards
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for preparation of guidance to standards
3.1. HSE Participation
Management information of staff involved in the development of standards
Appointment of HSE representatives to BSI committee work criteria,
communications, correspondence and changes
Records of HSE representation on BSI Technical Committee sub‐ordinate groups
Agreements with BSI for HSE to act as secretariat for BSI committees engaged in
European/International work
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.2. British Standards: Preparation
Formulating or contributing to and commenting on the drafting and review of
health and safety standards at national level, consultation with stakeholders,
drafting of standards.
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for preparation of guidance to standards
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.3. EU Standards: Preparation
3.3.1. New Standards
Preparations for a new standard. Consultation with stakeholders
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for production of HSE guidance on
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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3.3.2. CEN Standards
Development of a CEN standard.
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.3.3. CENELEC Standards
Development of a CENELEC standard
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.3.4. Harmonised Standard: Formal Objection
Preparation of a formal objection to a harmonised standard
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.3.5. Monitoring Effectiveness
Monitoring impact of standards on health and safety
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.4 International Standards: Preparation
international health and safety standards, drafting, revisions, review, negotiation,
including consultation with stakeholders
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for production of HSE guidance on
international standards
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
3.5. Participation by HSL (and other contractors)
Representational activity on standards for HSE, commissioning, progress and
interaction with HSE, costs
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4. Regulatory Functions
Regulation of duty holders to promote compliance, including assessment and permissioning, inspection,
investigation and enforcement
4.1. Local Authority: Enforcement Activities
Provision of advice, information and guidance to enable local authorities to perform
their statutory activities relating to assessment, permissioning and enforcement of
health and safety legislation
4.1.1. Guidance
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for guidance that is not solely aimed at
local authority enforcement officers
Use 5.1.4. “HSE Website” for information issued solely on the Intranet
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.1.2. Monitoring and Auditing
Liaison with local authorities (LAs) both in general and individually, managing the
audit protocol and the LA Health Return
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.1.3. Training
Provision of training to local authority health and safety personnel to enable them
to carry out their enforcement activities, holding or facilitating training events,
producing training materials
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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4.1.4. Local Authorities and HSE Working Together
Documents relevant to the development of Local Authority/HSE partnership
strategy, planning and management arrangements, partnership activities and joint
l Authority Unit and
Partnership Teams.
Use 1.1.2. “Strategic Planning” for development and review of operational strategies
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.2. Land Use Planning
Issuing advice and approval for new developments, installations or infrastructure.
4.2.1. Planning Authorities: Advice
Regulatory and advisory activities HSE is legally required to provide towards land
use planning and control, advising planning authorities on residual risk and notifying
of consultation zone for future development and siting of new development in the
vicinity of hazardous installations or transport infrastructure, participation in
planning inquiries if necessary
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.3. Working with other Regulators
Provision of advice, information and guidance to enable other regulators to perform
their statutory activities relating to assessment, permissioning and enforcement of
health and safety legislation.
Use 5.3. “External agencies ‐ liaison” for work with non‐regulatory organisations
Use 4.1. “Local Authorities ‐ enforcement activities” for work with local authorities
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.4. Permissioning
Processing safety reports / cases and issuing the relevant permissioning documents.
Use 4.9. “Enforcement” for action resulting from non‐compliance
4.4.1. Safety Reports/Cases: Assessment
Processing of safety reports/safety cases submitted under various statutory
schemes, COSHH Notifications, GSRM Safety Cases, Offshore Safety Cases
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
*Exceptions apply
4.4.2. Permissioning Documents/Licensing/Statutory Notes
Applications from duty holders for 'permission documents', including licences,
certification, exemptions, consents, approvals and appraisals. Notifications of new
substances (NONS), registration of biocides and pesticides and safety zone orders,
biological GM notifications, hazardous substances consents, mining issues,
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
*Exceptions apply
4.4.3. Explosive Statutory Permissioning Documents
Records relating to explosive site licences and ports licenced to handle explosives;
classification of explosives; transport approvals; and acetylene manufacture,
compression and cylinder filling licences
Destroy 100 years
(3yrs active, 97yrs
4.5. Inspection
Routine workplace and manufacture and supply site inspections, including OSD
Wells System. Records are arranged by the duty holder.
Use 4.7. “Investigations” for investigations of incidents or accidents
Use 4.9. “Enforcement” for action resulting from non‐compliance
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
*Exceptions apply
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4.6. Targeted Intervention
Regulating duty holders other than by site visits, e.g. by seminars, workshops and
correspondence and requiring a positive response from duty holders. Liaising with
intermediaries with the direct purpose of improving health and safety standards
Use 5.1.3. “Stakeholder engagement” for seminars, etc. that are aimed at a wider
audience than just duty holders
Destroy 3 years
(3yrs active)
4.7. Investigations
Investigation of incidents/accidents in response to a complaint, by information
reported under RIDDOR or other reason, but not designated major.
Use 1.6.1. “Employee Files” for HSE Staff health related records
Use 4.5. ”Inspection” for routine workplace inspections
Use 4.9. “Enforcement” for actions resulting from non‐compliance
Use 4.8. “Major incident investigations” for investigation of an accident designated
as a major incident by HSE
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
*Exceptions apply
4.8. Major Incident Investigations
This section contains the records associated with the Investigation of incidents/accidents designated 'major
incident' by the HSE Board.
4.8.1. Incident Investigation Team: Activities
Use 5.1.1. “Publications and multi‐media” for production of HSE reports into results
of investigations
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.8.2. Internal Inquiries
Internal inquiries into accidents/incidents which do not result in the official
publication of the results of the investigation
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.8.3. Public Inquiries
HSE participation in a public inquiry following a major incident and monitoring
progress on recommended actions
Use 4.2.1. “Planning authorities‐ Advice” for HSE participation in planning inquiries
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.9. Enforcement
Prevent harm by requiring duty holders to manage and control risks effectively.
Local Authorities also enforce health and safety law in workplaces allocated to
them. Information that provides assurance that regulation is delivering safe
operation e.g. Improvement notices, prohibition notices and prosecutions. E.g.
Buncefield Fire, Piper Alpha and ICL Plastics explosions.
Use 4.5. “Inspection” for routine workplace inspections
Use 4.7. “Investigations for investigations into accidents or incidents
Use 4.8. “Major Incident Investigations” for investigations into designated major
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
*Exceptions apply
4.10. Emergency Arrangements
Development, testing, approval, regulation, monitoring and review of emergency
4.10.1. Duty Holders: On‐site Arrangements
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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4.10.2. Duty Holders: Off‐site Arrangements
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.10.3. National Emergencies
Reports of practice exercises and recommendations for action
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.10.4. HSE Emergency Arrangements
HSE's arrangements for its involvement in any emergency, Duty Officer guidance
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.11. Decommissioning and Liabilities Management
HSE's involvement in the decommissioning and liabilities management of nuclear
and other hazardous installations
Destroy 7 years after
4.12. Regulatory Assurance
Information that provides assurance that regulation is delivering safe operation
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.12.1. Regulatory Assurance: Programme Standard Information
Standard information regarding the delivery of regulatory assurance
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
4.12.2. Regulatory Assurance Regulatory Strategy
Information that generates and monitors strategic activity in regulations
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5. External Communications
Providing information and advice both proactively and in response to all external stakeholders, including duty
holders and employees, government and international organisations, professional and industry bodies, other
authorities and members of the public.
5.1. Proactive Communications
Preparing and providing information to explain and publicise legislation or guidance
5.1.1. Publications and Multi‐media
Writing, production and distribution of HSE publications in all formats
Use 4.1.1 “Guidance for LA circulars and HELA’s
Use 5.1.4. “HSE Website” for information solely on the Intranet
Use 5.4.5. “Media briefing” for press releases
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5.1.2. Events
Planning, holding and results of events held or attended specifically to publicise
guidance or advice
Use 5.4.5. “Media briefing” for press releases
Use 5.1.3. “Stakeholder engagement” for seminars, etc. aimed at specific industries
or specific groups of stakeholders
Use 4.6. “Targeted intervention” for events aimed at specific groups of duty holders,
i.e. those who have a direct responsibility for health and safety of their employees
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
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5.1.3. Stakeholder Engagement
Meetings/correspondence with local liaison committees (LLCs) pressure groups,
professional and industry groups and unions to publicise specific guidance or advice
and to receive feedback
Use 4.6. “Targeted intervention” for seminars etc. that are aimed at duty holders
Use 2.1. “National policy” for consultation with stakeholders on national policies
Use 2.3.1. “EU policy” for consultation with stakeholders on EU policies
Use 2.3.2. “EU legislation” for consultation with stakeholders on EU legislation
Use 3.3. “European standards – Preparation” for consultation with stakeholders on
European standards
Use 3.4. “International standards” for consultation with stakeholders on
International standards
Use 4.3. “Working with other regulators” for consultation with other health and
safety regulators
Use 4.1. “Local Authorities – enforcement activities of local authorities” for
consultation with local authorities
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5.1.4. HSE Website
Provision of information and advice via the HSE website, planning the structure,
drafting content, publishing web pages, monitoring, reviewing and updating content
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5.1.5. Campaigns
Organisation of publicity campaigns
Use 1.1.2. “Strategic planning” for development of a publicity campaign as a means
of achieving an operational goal
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.2. External Enquiries
Responding to general enquiries on health and safety matters via correspondence, email and telephone and
enquiries from outside the HSE dealt with by the library and information service
Use 5.4.1. “Official Enquiries – responses” for official requests for information from MP’s etc.
5.2.1. General Enquiries: Responses
Destroy 5 years
(3yrs active, 2yrs
5.2.2. Disclosure
Responses to enquiries requiring the disclosure or otherwise of information
governed by legislation or national policy, e.g. civil disclosure, Data Protection Act,
FOI and EIR requests
Destroy 5 years
(3yrs active, 2yrs
5.3. External Agencies: Liaison
effective joint working, including national and foreign governments, international agencies, other
enforcement agencies, European Focal Point
Use 4.3. “Working with other regulators” for liaison with other health and safety regulators
5.3.1. Agency Agreements
Formulation and enactment of agency agreements with other government
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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5.3.2. Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)
Formulation and enactment of memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with other
government departments and agencies such as local authorities. Also includes
statements of intent
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.3.3. Other Government Departments
Initiatives that are undertaken jointly between the HSE and OGDs, bilateral
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.3.4. Non‐Governmental Organisations
trade associations and professional societies
Use 2.1. “National policy” for consultation with stakeholders on national policies
Use 2.3.1. “EU policy” for consultation with stakeholders on EU policies
Use 2.3.2. “EU legislation” for consultation with stakeholders on EU legislation
Use 3.4. “International standards” for consultation with stakeholders on
International standards
Use 3.3.1. Preparatory work” for consultation with stakeholders on European
Use 5.1.3. “Stakeholder engagement” for meetings, etc. to publicise specific
Use 4.1.2. “Monitoring and auditing” for liaison with local authorities
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.3.5. EU Agencies
Work undertaken by HSE either jointly or on behalf of EU agencies, UK focal point
for the European Agency for Safety & Health at Work
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.3.6. International Agencies
Work undertaken by HSE either jointly or on behalf of international agencies
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.3.7. National Agencies in Other Countries
Work carried out jointly or on behalf of agencies in other countries, e.g.
secondments, assistance to developing countries
Destroy 8 years
(3yrs active, 5yrs
5.4. Official Enquiries and Briefings
Responding to enquiries of a formal or official nature, such as briefing ministers, preparing responses to
parliamentary questions
5.4.1. Official Enquiries: Responses
Official enquiries and their responses forwarded to the relevant HSE section for
draft reply, enquiries to the HSC Chairman, HSE Chief Executive, enquiries put to
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5.4.2. Official Briefings: Responses
Briefing requests and their responses received by the HSE Secretariat from OGDs,
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5.4.3. Speeches and Interviews
Preparation and delivery of speeches and interviews on behalf of ministers and
other officials as well as those prepared by the Executive for their own use
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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5.4.4. Parliamentary Questions (PQs)
HSE responses to oral and written PQs received from a government department
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
5.4.5. Media Briefing
Preparation, publication and distribution of press releases, the holding of press
conferences and other official communication with the media
Use 4.8. “Major Incident Investigations” for press releases etc. relating to a major
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
6. Research and Scientific Support
Gathering relevant information and knowledge and making it available within the HSE to establish priorities
and to facilitate policy formulation and work planning.
separate folder should be created for each project under the appropriate topic.
6.1. Fire, Explosion and Process Safety Research
6.1.1. Explosions: Vapour Release
6.1.2. Explosions: Gas
6.1.3. Explosions: Dust
6.1.4. Fires
6.1.5. Explosives and Reactive Chemicals
6.1.6. Ignition from Electricity
6.1.7. Natural (Geological and Meteorological)
6.1.8. Other (e.g. Aircraft Strike)
6.1.9. Fire, Explosion and Process Safety: Scientific Support
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
6.2. Engineering Research
6.2.1. Mechanical and Materials
6.2.2. Civil and Construction
6.2.3. Environmental Forces
4. Machine Safety
6.2.5. Electrical
6.2.6. Computer Related Issues
6.2.7. Wells and Well Operations
6.2.8. Decommissioning and Dismantling
6.2.9. Scientific Support
6.2.10. Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
6.3. W
ork Environment Research
1. Monitoring of Gases
.2. Monitoring of Dusts
6.3.3. Control of Airborne Contaminants
6.3.4. Noise
Destroy 18 years
yrs active, 15yrs
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6.3.5. Vibration
6.3.6. Protective Equipment
6.3.7. Radiation
6.3.8. Analytical Methods
6.3.9. Ergonomics
6.3.10. Work Environment: Scientific Support
6.4. Occupational Health Research
6.4.1. Chemical Hazards
6.4.2. Biological Hazards
6.4.3. Physical Hazards
6.4.4. Mental Health and Stress
6.4.5. Musculoskeletal Hazards
6.4.6. Workplace Health Surveillance
6.4.7. Epidemiology
6.4.8. Occupational Health Provision (including First Aid)
6.4.9. Ionising Radiation
6.4.10. Occupational Health: Scientific Support
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
6.5. Behavioural and Social Sciences Research
5.1. Behavioural Scien
6;5;2; Socio‐Economics of Health and Safety
6.5.3. Effectiveness of the H&S Framework
6.5.4. International Comparisons
6.5.5. Behavioural Toxicology/Occupational Psychology
6.5.6. Human Factors
6.5.7. Management Organisational Factors
6.5.8. Evacuation, Escape and Rescue
6.5.9. Behavioural and Social Sciences: Scientific Support
Destroy 18 years
yrs active, 15yrs
6.6. Ris
k Assessment Research
. General Methodologies and Criteria
. Risk Assessment Tools
6.6.3. Risk Assessment Analyses
. Probabilities
6.6.5. Consequences
6.6.6. Mitigation
6.6.7. Reliability
6.6.8. Expert Systems
6.6.9. Health Effects
6.6.10. Risk Assessment: Scientific Support
Destroy 18 y
(3yrs active, 15yrs
6.7. Nuclear Safety Research
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
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6.8. Research Dissemination
Dissemination of the research findings to a wider audience
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
6.9. Research Evaluation
Final evaluation of the research, to ascertain whether it met its immediate objectives
and to put forward improvement measures for mainstream research programme
Use 7.2.4. 'Data Analysis' for evaluation of data and intelligence that has been
collected through means other than formal research.
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
7. Statistics and Data Collection
Routine data collection where this is not part of a specific research project, including capturing, organising,
analysing and interpreting external data, filed intelligence and internal information on health and safety
issues and compiling statistics.
7.1. Horizon Scanning
Proactive seeking of intelligence to inform future planning, proactive seeking of
intelligence to inform planning, collating evidence from research/surveys, collection
of evidence, correspondence and communications with stakeholders, science white
Destroy 9 years
(3yrs active, 6yrs
7.2. Statistics
Systems for the formal and informal 
external and internal sources and the subsequent analysis and presentation of this data e.g. RIDDOR incident
reporting, CIS, National Enforcement Database, OG Core
7.2.1. Capturing Statistics
Processes and procedures associated with capture of statistical data
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
7.2.2. Quality Assurance and Standards
Ensuring that data collected are consistent with the standards set out in the
national framework for statistics. Arrangement and storage of data for ease of
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
7.2.3. Data Organisation
Arrangement and storage of data for ease of retrieval
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
7.2.4. Data Analysis
Analysing, interpreting and synthesising collected intelligence into usable and
meaningful formats, policy and project impact evaluation, production of annual
statistics reports, Labour Force Survey, analysis of enquiries received
Use 5.1.1. “Publication and multi‐media for physical publication of the reports
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
7.2.5. Dissemination
Dissemination of data analysed by HSE
Destroy 18 years
(3yrs active, 15yrs
7.2.6. Evaluation
Evaluation of the data collected by HSE and its analysis.
Destroy 10 years
(3yrs active, 7yrs
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